Ok, so I’ve had a rough few days. I hurt my back on Friday night and have been
in increasing pain since along with difficulty walking. Off work the last
couple of days and loopy with pills. It’s
got me thinking about the pros and particularly the cons of a summer camp
experience in America. Here are the
things that they don’t really talk about in the brochure that have been the
things that I’ve not liked about my experience so far.
The bugs
Absolutely top of my list. One of the best things about staying in the
infirmary the last few days has been that I’ve not got any more bug bites. Of course, I stuck my head out last night for
a few hours and normal service was quickly resumed. Basically, I am unable to leave my cabin when
it’s not raining if every single part of my body is not liberally doused in bug
spray. Even then, a few will sneak
through. I must have had at least a
hundred bites in the four weeks I’ve been here, and in the most irritating of
places. Scottish midges are bad enough,
but they’ve never bitten the sole of my foot, the palm of my hand or my
forehead. I’m going through
hydrocortisone cream like water and there’s still three months of it to
go. Bites aside, ticks are an ever
present danger and I’ve heard some real horror stories. At least when a mosquito bites you the itch
will make sure you know it’s there! Ants
are like part of the family, crawling all over the cabins and spiders are so
common I’m having to deal with my arachnaphobia on a daily basis.
I would give anything for a bath right now.
ANYTHING! I’ve been lucky in that my
showers haven’t been bad (one cabin only has cold water) and all the cabins I’ve
stayed in have had attached bathrooms.
Even so, the facilities aren’t amazing and one ply toilet paper is never
going to cheer me up. You get used to it after a while I guess, but
I find myself visiting restrooms whenever we’re out somewhere just to remember
what a real one is like. Sand gets
absolutely everywhere too. A day after
changing my sheets, my bed is covered in the stuff. It’ll be interesting to go back to my life of
hygiene and antibacterial handgel and not sitting in the dirt after this
Culture shock
Mostly in relation to my work. This is my
seventh visit to the US so I’m used to a lot of things, but sometimes it’s the
little things that catch you out. It’s
interesting seeing the different attitudes to children in comparison to the way
I’ve worked with kids before. Basic
manners are unfortunately not a common thing among the affluent youth of
America. I spend far more time on basic
discipline in activity lessons than I ever had before, and the youth theatres I’ve
worked with are certainly by no means bastions of good behaviour. I also probably praise kids less than is
expected. I guess I just have a higher
baseline for these things, but praising for getting basic civility and the like
correct and generally being good isn’t something that has crossed my radar so
much. Normally, when working on a show, I like to give notes and make sure that
I give a positive note to all the kids involved. Now, I don’t have time to do that because I’m
so busy dealing with the behaviour issues during a rehearsal. Argh!
So I went to the doctor’s a couple of days ago
and my was it an interesting experience.
So much for being told I was going to experience “the best healthcare in
the world” ha ha ha. 4 hours sitting in
a waiting room isn’t really any sort of improvement on back home, I can assure you
of that. The first time I was called
through, they weren’t bothered about why I was there, just how I would be
paying. Eventually, after a couple more
hours I got to see a nurse who took my pulse, temperature and blood
pressure. All of which are clearly
essential when dealing with a back injury!
Then I was left in a hellishly uncomfortable chair for my back and told
the doctor would be in to see me in “a couple of minutes”. Maybe it’s another translation error but I
didn’t think “a couple” was equal to over 50!
So, almost an hour later, I’m finally seen by, not a doctor, but a nurse
practitioner, whatever one of those is. An
injection in the back and some pills, wham bam thank you mam. Also rather put off by how loudly nurses talk
about patients in the corner. I probably
wouldn’t want the whole building knowing about my UTI if I was the lady three
rooms over from me. Luckily they only
bitched about me because they thought I’d been discharged and then changed my
mind about wanting a shot, rather than the person treating me forgetting,
discharging and then coming back to give it.
Aside from that, being hurt here sucks.
I don’t understand my insurance – that alone is worth my taxes back home
– you’re left to your own devices mostly and there isn’t a teddy bear to cuddle
or a mum to dote on you.
But, you know one of the nicest things? After being out of commission and out of
sight for a few days, so many people are coming up to me, telling me they’re
sorry to hear I’m not well, asking if there’s anything they can do and
generally being sympathetic. The staff
here are really awesome and it really is one thing that makes a big difference.